Beyond Relaxation: Exploring the Emotional Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Your mind and body work in synch, whether we recognize it or not. But when we better understand this synergy, we can do more to bring things to a deeper level.
Does Reiki Have Any Side Effects?
Reiki is grounded in the belief that all life shares a universal energy, and that this life force energy influences our well-being. The practice is used principally to clear negative energy, alleviate pain, and assist with numerous other issues.
5 Benefits of a Neuromuscular Massage
Neuromuscular massage is a type of specialized massage with origins dating back to the 1940s and 1950s. It was developed over the course of more than 30 years by Dr. Janet Travell and Dr. David Simons as a treatment for chronic pain.
What Is a TMJ Massage?
Temporomandibular joint massage (TMJ) is a specialized form of therapeutic massage intended to reduce pain and restore mobility to the jaw. While TMJ can be done on its own to treat physical issues with the mobility of the jaw, it can also be used as part of a holistic approach to therapy that includes treatment for both body and mind
Why an integrated massage may be the way to go.
The truth is any massage should be addressed with an integrated approach, just as each human should be treated as their own unique self when being assessed for bodywork. Depending on the level of training and the skills in their toolbox, an integrated approach can be as varied as each therapist you work with.
fusing bodywork with energy work
Intuitive fusion is a blend of more traditional forms of massage and body work coupled with energy work. This fusion allows for a more holistic approach to access deeper layers of healing.
Treating chronic neck tension with Neuromuscular therapy
Neuromuscular therapy (NMT) is a very effective modality in assessing where neck tension may be originating from, and then mapping out the myofascial pain patterns and trigger points that will help alleviate the discomfort you’re experiencing.
The Spiritual-Emotional side of TMJ Pain & Dysfucntion
For those who have lived with chronic TMJ issues can usually trace back the cause to specific situation or genetics. What isn’t as commonly spoken about is the spiritual-emotional components of why jaw tension may manifest.
CranioSacral Therapy has depth!
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.
Why Neuromuscular Massage Is Highly Effective For Chronic Pain
Everyone experiences pain from time to time, but there is a difference between minor aches and dealing with extreme chronic pain. It impacts over 20% of adults in the U.S. and can cause a number of isssues.
How To Relieve Your TMJ Pain With Massage Therapy
TMJ pain is not something anyone wants to live with for long. While medications and, in certain situations, surgery can help, you might also benefit from massage therapy to help you find some relief.
We are what we do
We cannot help to begin to feel an awakening during Spring. It is organic and natural for humans to emulate the budding flowers and want to initiate growth in their lives.
Working with Rejection
We can all agree that this winter has been intense. We are ready to feel the warmth of longer days and to witness the budding of new life. What this has brought into my awareness is how we can be prone to reject our current reality.
The difference between Self-care & Self-love
Self-care can be confused with Self-love. While Self-care is important to practice, and it should be part of a daily ritual, it cannot take the place of Self-love.
Letting it Stay
Let it go. Move on. Get over it. These statements are woven into our culture to the point of them feeling exhaustive. How many of us can just let something go when its impact has so greatly affected our lives?
Definitions of Mother
It is easy to identify as a mother when you have a child or children that you are raising. Many women dream of becoming mothers; others are not so sure; and some of us are meant to give birth in other ways. We, as a species, forget that we can give birth so many times through out our lives - men included.
Global grief & the Emotional body
We live in a time where we can increasingly witness all the violence, sadness, and grief of our fellow humans. I have recently had several conversations with people who have expressed the thought that there has always been a lot of violence in the world - a lot of bad things happening - but we have not had the technology to be aware of it all.
Intentions to Receive
When was the last time you allowed yourself to sit back, receive, and revel in the abundance of your hard work? Just as a child would after accomplishing the creation of a towering sandcastle… can you remember those moments of pure joy?
Authenticity and knowing what we want
It can be difficult to navigate what it is we truly want for ourselves at the core of our being. From a young age we are taught to override this with the responsibility of making others happy.
Honoring Ancestral Wisdom
As I sit to write this, the approaching holiday for the veneration of our ancestors’ approaches.