The difference between Self-care & Self-love

Self-care can be confused with Self-love. While Self-care is important to practice, and it should be part of a daily ritual, it cannot take the place of Self-love. What I have learned is that practicing Self-care should come from a place of love and knowing you deserve it – not just something you feel obligated to. I have heard from others that while they were receiving a massage, they were beating themselves up about spending the money on themselves. When we love someone and we gift them with something like a massage or a pedicure, we often feel so good about providing that for them. I would like to invite you to invoke that same emotion the next time you gift yourself an act of Self-care -Whether that comes in the form of a massage, a gym membership or a yummy desert!

A practice I have recently adopted is something called “Sacred mirror work”. It does not have to be a long process. We can simply take some time in the morning to look at ourselves and cultivate a relationship of kindness and love. Tell yourself one thing you admire about you. This may seem silly at first, but I will say, it has allowed me to count on myself when I have no one else to turn to. This month we are challenged to break old patterns of being with ourselves and how we have always operated. We, as a species, are in a great time of change and transformation; and the way we can really come out of destructive habits and ways of being is to radically change the way we treat ourselves. I am excited to be a part of, and witness, the immense growth that is possible through Self-love!

Yours in Wellness,

Andrea Adams, LMT, CNMT


Working with Rejection


Letting it Stay