Why an integrated massage may be the way to go.

we are different from day TO DAY

We humans are very complex beings when we zoom out from a myopic lens and take a more macro look at the systems of the body.  Not only are bodies complex, but we each have a unique blueprint depending on genetics, lifestyle and trauma.  We inherit some things from our ancestors, and we also have a way of living that is different from theirs, which creates a whole new set of physical experiences for us to navigate.  We are different from day to day as well.  How you woke up yesterday is dictated by how you treated your body the day before.  If you are very physical, with a highly demanding job and not a lot of down time, you may need more rest to wake up feeling ready for another day.  We can think of massage treatments in this same way.  We find that clients are unsure of what type of massage session to book, which is why Integrated massage has quickly become our most popular one. 

Treating each person as unique

Our highly skilled therapists are trained to take many different factors into account when assessing what treatment protocol to create to best fit your needs on any given day.  We have a myriad of modalities that can help diminish discomfort, ease muscle tension and bring the body back into an equilibrium of homeostasis.  You may need some trigger point in your shoulder region, while it would also be beneficial to weave in CranioSacral therapy to help balance your hips.  TMJ massage may be the best course of action, but adding in a bit of Swedish massage to calm your nervous system can help you relax into integrating more intense work. You see the point! 

 No standard recipe

The truth is any massage should be addressed with an integrated approach, just as each human should be treated as their own unique self when being assessed for bodywork.  Depending on the level of training and the skills in their toolbox, an integrated approach can be as varied as each therapist you work with.  An integrated massage need not be on the “menu” for you to receive one but knowing that you can receive the style of massage most needed by your body can be a very reassuring feeling.  We all want to feel that we are receiving and getting the most out of what we are putting our time, energy and resources towards.  This is why we believe that an integrated massage approach is almost always the path to take when working with individual humans with individual needs!

If you would like to learn more about our integrated massage, please reach out.


What Is a TMJ Massage?


fusing bodywork with energy work