Why Neuromuscular Massage Is Highly Effective For Chronic Pain

Everyone experiences pain from time to time, but there is a difference between minor aches and dealing with extreme chronic pain. It impacts over 20% of adults in the U.S. and can cause issues like:

  • fatigue

  • headaches

  • sleep deprivation

  • anxiety

  • back pain

  • joint pain

  • muscle pain

  • neck pain 

People who have to live with chronic pain may struggle to find a high quality of life. Some days might be better than others, but it can often be hard to do something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning.

While there are many treatment options for chronic pain, neuromuscular massage might be something you have not yet considered. 

If you are tired of living with constant pain every day, take the time to learn more about this effective massage and how it can help.  

Stop Chasing Your Pain

One of the biggest issues people have with chronic pain is that they are constantly chasing it. Again, you might have good days and bad days. But, on the good days, you are probably not paying as much attention to your care.

Unfortunately, finding relief and comfort can feel next to impossible when a bad day hits.

Neuromuscular massage helps with that by getting to the root of your pain rather than serving as a temporary solution for relief.

Like almost any type of therapy for mental health, getting to the underlying cause of the issue is often the best way to begin the healing process. While digging deep is not always easy, it is often necessary. Neuromuscular massage lives by the same idea. It offers a real path to wellness, not just an opportunity to treat pain as it comes.

How Does Neuromuscular Massage Work? 

So, what is the difference between a neuromuscular massage and a traditional massage for muscle aches and pains? The neuromuscular massage focuses on specific trigger points. The goal is to effect the nerves causing the pain throughout your body rather than only effecting tissue and providing temporary relief.

In many cases, neuromuscular massage is considered a type of medical massage designed to reduce or eliminate pain. It can also help with posture, improved circulation, greater flexibility, and even provide more energy.

It works by applying pressure and friction to very specific areas to release pressure and pain. These specific areas are called trigger points. By focusing on them, you are essentially dealing with the root of the issue rather than masking the pain.

What to Expect

It is a neuromuscular massage therapist’s job to discover which areas of your body need the most attention, unlike a massage therapist who works over every muscle group when it does not make sense to do so.

Once they find the trigger points, they will apply the right amount of pressure and friction to direct pain out of the body. You will not just experience temporary relief; you will also experience long-term pain relief that allows you to live a more comfortable, fulfilling life.

It is impossible to give a number when it comes to how quickly your pain will release and when you will experience long-term comfort. There are too many factors to consider. However, if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes and continue care at home, you should be able to find long-term relief sooner. These are all things that should (and will) be discussed with your neuromuscular massage therapist. Pain is different from person to person. Creating a treatment plan that meets your needs is what matters.

If you are interested in learning more about neuromuscular massage therapy and why it might be the best solution for your chronic pain, do not hesitate to reach out for information.


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